Calling all Montclair residents! We would love your input on making our community a better and more beautiful place to live. Personally, I never thought I would volunteer for an HOA committee. Ever. I’m just too busy. However, after serving on the Communications Committee now for a year, I will tell you that I want to continue to serve and here is why:
- REALLY get to know your neighbors – I actually can call my committee members friends – working together towards a goal creates friendships like nothing else does. This is the most rewarding part of serving for me.
- Flexibility – I know you are busy. We are all crazy busy, I promise. The commitment is not as daunting as it seems and being on a team means sometimes other members take on more and sometimes you might, but that’s why a team is better than an individual. We help each other.
- Tangible Results – The goals we work towards actually impact the community in a positive way. Even if you are just planning social events, keeping the neighborhood informed, or weighing in on landscape decisions, these things affect everyone in the community. Your contribution WILL make an immediate difference.
Now that you are thinking about joining a committee, here are the three to choose from. What interests you the most?
- Landscape Committee – Discusses landscape issues, possible landscape activities for volunteer residents, surveys the landscape periodically, and weighs in on landscape decisions.
- Social Committee – Plan and execute social ideas for the neighborhood and be a part of people growing neighborly friendships. We have events such as the semi-annual Garage Sale, Drinks and Driveways, Progressive Christmas Dinner, and others.
- Communications Committee – Identify topics the community should know about, write interesting articles such as the Resident Spotlight, Home Improvements, Events in Smyrna, or updates on community projects.